Wroclaw space project
Thursday March 16th, 2017
Pin Park, an investment developed by Probuild, became a sponsor of the DREAM (DRilling Experiment for Asteroid Mining) project manager by a team of Wrocław University of Technology students.
The purpose of the DREAM project was to investigate the parameters of the drilling process in microgravity and vacuum conditions. For this purpose the project participated in an international program coordinated by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Swedish National Space Council (SNSB) and the German Space Agency (DLR), called Rocket EXperiments for University Students (REXUS).
The DREAM team was the first national team to qualify for this stage of the REXUS program and the second team of Polish students involved in space research. Its main purpose was to investigate the drilling process in microgravity, vacuum and very low temperatures by monitoring drilling. The ultimate aim of the team was to determine what challenges await the mining industry in space.
Over one and a half year’s work of Wrocław University of Technology students paid off – the project was a success. On Wednesday, March 15, 2017, the drill was launched into space at a height of 90 kilometres, and as expected, turned on and began to drill in an artificial, asteroid prepared for this experiment. The device was in space less than two minutes, during which the DREAM team collected all the data needed for further analysis. After returning to Earth, the drill had no signs of destruction or wear. DREAM students sent us a greeting card to inform about the success!
Since the aim of the Pin Park project is to create a “out-of-this-world” office space, and our theme – not only in the implementation of this project – is Stanislaw Lem’s words “If cavemen did only what seemed possible, they would still be sitting in caves”, the decision to support the DREAM experiment was unanimous. Probuild looks to the future not only through the prism of experiments and innovation, but mainly by supporting the hard work and courage of young people.
More information about the DREAM project can be found at: https://odpalprojekt.pl/projekty/pokaz/1170,projekt-dream